Friday, October 25, 2024

TDL Index


Tally TDL & Other Utilites

Mail Us to Join our Tally Developer/Customisation Course

Lock Vouchers (Verified voucher locked for users)

File GSTR1 from Tally Erp9(works if you not have Tally prime)

Audit Trail

Customise Sales Invoice Yourself without Code

Item with hsn, gstrate in invoice & stocksummary & colummner report

Find Negative Stock in any Date

Print Bank Slips from Tally and Print Neft/RTGS Details behind cheque

Multiple Repeat Voucher Entry Automatically in Tally

Partywise Multi Invoice Printing in Tally Erp9 and Tally Prime

All Input Vouchers Like GSTR3B for GSTR2A Reconciliation

Remove automatically invoice number and invoice date from GSTR1 Json

MS Access GSTR2A Reconciliation Utility

MS Access All bank entries import into tally

Fully Customise Receipt Yourself without any code

Large Size Company Name and Address

Print E-way and Invoice Saperatly

GSTIn on inventory vouchers like Sales, Purchase etc in latest tally editions

Autobackup with Zip + Desire location + Desire file name

Import Sales With Inventory Data from Busy Win to Tally

VMOU Index

  • MCA
  • BCA



Tally Developer Professional Premium Course

I am working in Tally Development from 2017. I also established a popular YouTube channel "Aasan Solution".


if you want to become not only tally operator but also tally developer then this course only for you.

if you are really interested.

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Mail us Personal Details like Name, Mobile No., Country and City, DOB, and Occupation.


Question Paper Answer

VMOU MSCCS/PGDCA/CAWD/MCA I Year-103 OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA - June-21

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q1)

Question 1?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q2)

How do you add a class or an interface to a package? Explain with an example.?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q3)

Explain Structure of C++ Program, with suitable diagram and example.?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q4)

What is a friend function in OOP? write a program in C++ to swap value of two different classes using the friend function?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q5)

Why do we need to use constructor ? explain with suitable examples.?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q6)

What is Inline Function? How is it different from Macro? Explain with examples.?

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q7)

What do you mean by function overloading? Explain with Examples?
फंक्शन ओवरलोडिंग से आप क्या समझते हैं? उदाहरण सहित समझाइए।

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q8)

State four differences between interfaces and classes with suitable examples.
उपयुक्त उदाहरणों के साथ इंटरफेस और कक्षाओं के बीच चार अंतर बताएं।

OOPS Programming with C++ and JAVA (VMOU PGDCA June 2021 Q9)

What is exception handling? What are the types of exceptions? Write a code to handle array out of bound exceptions.
अपवाद हैंडलिंग क्या है? अपवाद कितने प्रकार के होते हैं? Array out of bound अपवाद को संभालने के लिए एक कोड लिखें।

TDL Index

  Tally TDL & Other Utilites Mail Us to Join our Tally Developer/Customisation Course Lock Vouchers (Verified voucher locked for users) ...